Qassem Soleimani And The Re-Making Of The Middle East

Qassem Soleimani and the Re-making of the middle east by Sharif Loghdey 10 days after 911, retired US general Wesley Clark visited the Pentagon and was privy to a Memo that detailed the US’s plan to invade 7 Middle Eastern Countries in 5 years. Backtrack 5 years to 1996, a year which saw the first election of Netanyahu as Prime Minister of Israel after the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin by a rightwing extremist. It was the same year that an Israeli think-tank authored a document called “A Clean Break: A new strategy for securing the realm” which detailed a total revision of Israeli policy in the Middle East, shelving the Oslo accords and advocated for the abandonement of peace with most of Israel’s neighbours in favour of the violent toppling of unfriendly Arab regimes and replacing them with puppet regimes friendly to Israel using proxy forces and pre-emption in order to redraw the map of the Middle East – Iraq was to be the first victim. Fast forward a few months later, when the ...