Owning ISIS

First published on 5/7/17

"Wasatiyyah" Definition: "the middle path" or "Ummatul Wasatah" , "an Ummah justly balanced", the name of the May 2017 symposium convened to tackle the ISIS phenomenon in South Africa  might have added hype to a phenomenon not really a current crisis in the local Muslim community, and in so doing, also unwittingly took ownership of ISIS  - The ISIS "problem" in South Africa was beautifully put to rest - almost entirely debunked as a verifiable non-issue in South Africa by non other than (invited speaker), SA police minister Fikile Mbalule. In fact, the reality of ISIS was hidden in Mbalula's restrained attempt at subtly explaining the nefarious origins of ISIS and the challenges the SA government faces - not of over hyped Islamo-extremist terrorism, but of fighting off pressures of "certain" states who were bent on furthering an obviously deceptive agenda (of which ISIS is but one) and one which the government was aware of and in no uncertain terms made it clear that SA sovereignty would not be allowed to be compromised by this type of pressure.

So it seems that the real crisis purported to be ISIS is possibly only a local Muslim academic and religious one, not even a social issue, granted that there have been a few alleged sign-ups and attempted sign-ups from a few local Muslims.
It was really only Minister Mbalula and Advocate Mohammed who touched on the reality of the ISIS phenomenon, albeit in a limited and brief introductory way.

Had the organisers only sought these two opinions before embarking on arranging the Symposium, it would have saved us from the embarassing expose of Muslim confusion and intellectual incapacitation at what really amounts to the designs of US foreign policy.

It was evident from Moulana Ravats presentation that the religious leadership (Ulema) of SA were probably the most challenged by the ISIS issue, being taken entirely off-guard by the intellectual challenge that the carefully crafted ISIS threat presented while academically, Dr Andrea Brigaglia, an orientalist - schooled pro-Sufi academic of UCT's Islamic Studies department attempted to present the alleged misguided defection of Mufti Rashied Moosagie of Port Elizabeth as proof that ISIS somehow had successfully co-opted Islamic fiqh to such an extent, that even a Mufti was capable of being swayed and proceeded to speedily dissect an open letter to South African Muslims and Ulema that Mufti Moosagie was alleged to have authored expounding the superiority of ISIS thought vis - a - vis a global Muslim Scholarly Leadership vacuum and complacency in the face of Western expansionism and violent onslaught. If true, the Moosagie incident needs to be treated as an aberration since no other Ulema in South Africa seemed to have done the same. His paper also contained a veiled attack on Deobandi-Wahabi-Salafi doctrine as the backbone of ISIS dogma.

Various other speakers contributed papers ranging from convoluted expositions on global extremism and counter extremism, extremisms, to sum it all (an invalid argument considering that Western concerns of Islamic extremism arises from physical manifestations of extremism such as attacks on Westerners in the West by alleged Muslim or ISIS directed fanatics - in itself, mostly false flag operations, so generally, true Muslim extremist manifestations are non existent in the West) to the challenges of the lack of honesty and circumspection in current journalistic method and practice by  Khadija Patel of the Mail & Guardian - an entirely relevant issue if not the greatest issue of our times which speaks directly to the false flag phenomena and the issue of mass deception (via mass media), the primary method of the manufacture of consent to war within Western soceities by their governments. The risks to honest journalism is enormous - even fatal. By giving the weak and dis-enfranchised victims of US hegemonic violence a voice by offering the "other non-embedded" view of the Taliban, political jourrnalists such as Syed Saleem Shahzad of Asia Times was possibly murdered.

It is precisely this issue that allowed for the carefully planned creation and birth of ISIS and ISIS ideology in Washington as a massive and successful long term Black-Ops - an enduring false flag planted in Muslim Lands with global reach.

The US, after decades of experience in manipulating sincere Islamic based national anti-imperialistic movements such as the Afghan Mujahideen clearly understands the issues at stake in the Muslim world, it's aspirations and desires, no less, the aspirations and needs of its youth and set forth creating an entirely new monster to serve it's foreign policy goals.

The US's anti Soviet effort in Afghanistan was posited on supplying the national religious based anti-Imperialist grass roots movements already present in Afghanistan and lead by Ulema such as Mawlawi Jalaludin Haqqani initially an Islamist activist opposed to the Daoud Khan regime in the 70's, with weapons and assistance via Saudi Arabia and the Pakistani ISI and allowing them to unwittingly achieve US aims in the region- unfortunately for the US, even though the aims of these movements co-incided with US foreign policy at the time, they also had a mind of their own, and in the wake of the Soviet ouster from Afghanistan, foreign mujahideen filled with the newly re-discovered and invigorated, long lost Islamic spirit of jihad and conquest set out to various battlefields - Bosnia, Palestine, Chechnya and even Arab states. This factor was manipulated by the US again by later creating 911, achieved by falsely accusing "Wahabi - Jihadi" Islam as the culprits of the attack. For the US, the recipe was tried and tested, only this time, they needed to create a more tightly controlled organisation from the ground up.

Bringing together all that was sensitive and important to the Ummah, they succeeded in creating ISIS. It
was intended to speak to a range of issues and categories of Muslims across the globe - especially the most vulnerable and most needed - the Youth. By creating a Caliphate, the thinking goes, all Muslims would feel bound to the Caliph and offer allegiance to the extent that young ideologues would rush to any corner of the globe the Caliph declared a Jihad in -basically a source of free canon fodder for the new US army. It also served several other goals as enumerated below.

What ISIS is:
1. An entirely, from the ground up, US created construct, initially employing paid mercenaries  
    recruited from various Muslim countries who primarily fight for the approximately $100 a day or
    more that the US pays via Saudi or the Gulf States - they have no religious or political objectives
    and are ideologically removed from the goals which  ISIS "officially" claims - It is simply poverty
    which motivates them. They are trained by Israeli and US/Western assymetrical warfare specialists
    and are simply cannon fodder, once again, drawn from the ranks of the dis-affected and jobless  
    Muslim Youth throughout East Asia and the Middle East. The Officers of ISIS are actual US /
    UK/ Israeli special forces members whose job it is to direct forces on the ground. They receive
    direct instructions from the US military.
2. A Slick marketing machine - generating tremendous youth appeal by its liberal and engaging    
     application of Social Media and Videos.
3. Always masked - hiding the ample US, Israeli and British Special Forces which comprise the local
    (core) leadership of the storm troops on the ground.As mentioned, the core, initial foot soldiers
    were Muslim operatives, poor, paid mercenaries with no religious or political convictions for
    fighting in Iraq and Syria.
4. Always In constant resupply of ammunition, vehicles (Toyotas instead of Humvees though!) and
    weapons, all via sometimes direct US channels such as air-drops, passed off as "mistakes".
5. Always in receipt of US tactical and logistic support and being completely steered and controlled
    by the US and her Allies in the region.
6. The exclusive product of capable and knowledgeable US and Israeli secret service departments with
     a definite agenda. It's ideology is neither Salafi or Wahhabi, but pure State Department.
7. A precipitation of Muslim fears and desires brilliantly used to craft the appearance of a cohesive
    Caliphate army , a powerful stateless Islamic "actor", the final Caliphate, the culmination of Islamic
    end-time eschatalogical aspirations - when in reality it is simply groups of paid mercenaries
    directed to various theatres of operations in the Middle East by the diktats of US foreign policy.
8. The ultimate US proxy army in the Middle East (as a result of the change in US policy after Iraq,
     vis-a-vis it's new policy of limited direct, US boots-on-the-ground military interventions in the
     Middle East beginning with Libya)

ISIS serves the purpose of:
1. Ensuring a lawful if not morally acceptable pretext for the US return to Iraq and direct military  
    involvement in Iraq after it's exit as well as the right to bomb "ISIS" targets in Syria - a ruse to actually
    assist anti-regime terrorists or even to bomb Syrian army troops.
2. Allowing US and former colonial powers the same access to other Muslim or non-Muslim lands
     by simply employing false flag "ISIS-Linked" terror attacks such as the recent Philippines Marawi
     city terror attack, the London, Paris and Belgian false flag terror attacks and the likes thereof.
3. Broad pretext for global military US interference in sovereign states after the US sought a speedier
    way to circumvent international law and justify invasions by the adoption of "Responsibility to  
    protect" - here the International community has failed to demand accountability from the US and
    verifiable proof of actions requiring R2P intervention (i.e.under the guise of Humanitarian  
4. Generating massive anti Muslim feeling and hatred from Western populations by the deliberate
    employment of the most outrageous, explicit and extreme violence by ISIS operatives such as
    beheadings - many of which are fake media creations. If indeed atrocities are committed, it is
    perpetrated primarily by the Western operatives present as commanders and 1st tier ISIS  
    operatives, the same people who video tape and publicise these atrocities. The aim of such an    
    agenda would be to galvanise local support in Western countries for the governments ileegal
     intervention in Muslim lands without question - a method of manufacturing consent once again.
5.  Villifying and alienating the few un-emasculated " Islamic schools - of -thought" that pose a threat
     to final US hegemony in Muslim lands - traditionally the Deobandi-Wahhabi-Salafi schools of
     thought. From British India to modern Afghanistan, the national islamic based anti-colonial armed
     movements  have traditionally been primarily from those two schools of thought. (Saudi adoption
     of Wahabi-Salafi doctrine does not render it a despicable and flawed interpretation of Islam.)
     This is done at the expense of of our own survival and by elevating to prominence the more
     toothless Sufi/Barelwi/Qabr Pujari (grave worshipping) "schools" as the sole legacy of 1400 years
     of Islamic learning, scholarly tradition and civilisation.    
6.  Appealling to the Ummah's deepest fears and aspirations, it's sense of hopelessness as well as
     end-time eschatological sentiments and expectations to co-opt from a broad speactrum of global
     Muslims, a willing stream of free recruits for what is essentially a rebranded US army employing a
     new military strategy of not sending in US troops directly into foreign interventions.

What ISIS is NOT:
1. It is not a manifestation of Islamic thinking or Muslim anti-Western reactionary force in the
    Middle East or nor does it represent Muslim thinking anywhere in the world for that matter.
2. It is NOT Blowback from US foreign policy in the Middle East - indeed, rather it is US foreign
    policy in the Middle East.
3. A real, ideologically driven, cohesive non-state actor, (but rather random groups of paid mercenaries
    directed by the US and her allies at will and where necessary, driven by US Foreign Policy and the
    State Department) but an idea invoking the Islamic aspirational appeal to draw unwitting Muslims
    to fight for free and serve US goals and interests.If it were truly ideologically driven, it would threaten and
    attack Israel first, instead, it's wounded are being treated in Israeli hospitals. Unfortunately, it's US
    creators forgot to deal with this little fact.

Dealing with the ISIS trick :
    Coming to terms with what it really is, means taking the first steps to developing strategies for  
    effectively combatting the issue, however, any addressing of the ISIS problem should encompass at
    least the following:
1. Conscientising Muslims and the world about this deceptive US attempt at establishing their own
    Caliphate and deliberate misguiding of Muslims in order to co-opt a willing stream of free,  
    ideologically motivated combatants for a what is in reality a disguised US army division, thereby
    preventng defections and sign-ups from our youth.
2. Delivering a steady stream of media communiques directed at combating fake news, US
    disinformation and re-positioning the rhetoric of the relentless False Flag onslaught by providing
    alternate reasoning avenues - not by automatic condemnation as a rebuke of the probable action of
    deviants within our ranks.
3. Challenging the snowballing ocurrence of "intelligence or terror alerts" issued by primarily the US
    government - often designed to ensure our government is "with them".
4. Helping our kids counter the sophisticated hordes of Cyber Intelligence operatives on the internet
    in the employ of the West who trawl Islamic and Jihadi forums and who employ well tested paedophilic    
    techniques on Social Media to lure vulnerable teens to join ISIS with the goal of Blackmailing  
    their countries into accepting US security and intelligence meddling.

Indeed, the most effective weapon against this phenomenon is courageous, informed, principled, responsible journalism as it not only represents the thrust of our defence since in it's absence we are only left with the un-official mouthpieces of the governments and international actors being allowed to create and (mis-)inform public opinion -  The CNNs,BBCs, Fox News, Al-Jazeera and others.
Even South African mainstream media is guilty of irresponsible journalism in this regard.

Simply regurgitating unverfied reports, or allowing one-sided editorial analysis and coverage of terror attacks committed in the name of Islam has to end -  A difficult task, since all it takes to blame "ISIS" and invite US retribution is an anonymous call to a newspaper or TV station claiming to be Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi or Ayman al Zawahir or Osama bin Laden - a strategy employed to devastating effect in the past 16 years to blame often non-existent "Islamo-Fascist" terror groups.

At least offer the public the benefit of a caveat thereby injecting doubt in the official narrative and hence thereby create the space for the type of discernment that can allow populations to be people instead of "Sheeple", resistant to media mind control and manipulation.

Combating this greedy, genocidal global bully bent on world domination is no easy task given that their greatest strength (the total control of mass media) is our greatest weakness- and our inability to meaningfully scale-wise, counter-influence global public thinking.

A challenged Ulema, who are incapable of adapting to a rapidly changing political world, obsessed with minor and sectarian issues is obviously in need of soul searching.

Today, the 10% minority that comprises the Muslim world ( The Shia) are the most powerful anti-Israeli military force in the Middle East and is almost entirely presented in the form of a non-state actor - Hizbollah of Lebanon with the Shia Iranians owning the most powerful state military in the region. Between the two, they represent the only credible hope and bulwark against the reality of the new Middle East of continuous massive US and Israeli regional state terror.
Because of this rising prominence, the Yemeni Muslims have been visited upon by an immoral war of aggression by a rudderless Saudi Arabia who now is politically aligned with the Zionist state of Israel which, might I add, has received no symposium type treatment at all especially as Saudi Arabia's open alignment with Israel is a huge moral and political dilemma for Muslims globally since it directly touches on arguably the most contentious issue of our times - The issue of Palestine.
These are issues the Sunni world needs to deal with, not by the subversion of the Palestinian cause
through alignment with US and Israeli interests, but through positive engagement with Iran and Hizbollah.
Attempting anything other than this is clearly beyond our control and for the critics from within who claim that ISIS should be seriously debated as an Islamic Intellectual, Fiqh or "Madhabi" issue clearly risks serving US strategic objectives by deflecting the true origins of this fitna (mischief) by unwittingly taking ownership of a phenomena that is truly not the Ummahs to begin with in the first instance. It must be dealt with for what it is - a clever but deceptive political ploy by the US - a simple continuation and rebranding of a manufactured "Islamist" threat that began with Al Qaeda and has been rebranded as "ISIS" (See FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds' explanation of the rebranding of Al Qaeda on RT below).  

Addressing ISIS the" Wasatiyyah way" shows the complete defeat of Muslims and the world at the massive disinformation onslaught - a self defeating excercise - The US has accomplished a massive strategic coup by having Muslim thinkers and leaders "Own Up" to and accept blame for a structure the US has wholly conceived and created . We have scored an own goal.

Wasatiyyah, used more perniciously to name this symposium, aims at redefining "the middle Path" - is it the middle path or the most middle path, is the middle path No Jihad, No armed resistance and denial of the less palatable, more embarassing un-liberal/contra-Western aspects of Islam such as Hadd punishment (The severing of hands, stoning for adultery), the relegating of Quranic social direction to "Paternalism"? What is the middle path then? Who defines it? Semantics. Pseudo Intellectual arguments. We fiddle while our world burns.

I will not be blamed for ISIS.


More on Western created "Islamist" terror outfits : https://21stcenturywire.com/2014/05/11/boko-haram-us-africoms-latest-false-flag-franchise/

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