The Road to Jerusalem runs through Tehran
Does the road to Jerusalem run through Tehran? Netanyahu certainly thinks so. For that most hawkish of Israel's criminal leadership circle, accustomed to neighbourly genocidal warfare against defenceless civilians and the cause of regional mayhem without compunction, that certainly seems so, judging by his apparent recent desperate tantrum reported in this telltale article at Zerohedge here, another here and once again, here - wherein Bibi goes from threatening a bombing run on Assad's palace, to "acting" on Iran's presence in Syria if Russia fails to heed his request to send the Iranians packing, to threatening a major air war, all within the space of 1 month. For a nation that regards routinely bombing it's neighbours' capital cities as normal as a friendly pat on the back, what is Netanyahu waiting for?
Now really, since the early 2000's, Netanyahu has been warning that Iran was on the brink of being nuclear armed and threatened retaliation soon...., but it never came. Almost 20 years on, Bibi is still at it. So what's the problem then?
Well for one, it can't. Plain and simple.Taking on Hizbollah and Iran would be suicidal. It already had a foretaste of what might come when it suffered the defeat of it's life at the hands of a poorly armed guerilla army, Hizbollah, a proxy of Iran, not once, but twice, quite spectacularly (the subject of another article on this blog) and was humiliated on several occasions by having itself filmed getting bush-slapped by Hizbollah commando raids, kidnappings and an assortment of under reported attacks on it's military patrols over the years.
If Hizbollah, having deservedly earned the title of the best guerilla army in the world, was armed and directed by Iran, what are Iran's capabilities then ?- that's how the thinking might go over in the hallowed halls of power in Tel Aviv. Judging by Iran and Hizbollah's showing in the Syrian debacle (Yes, Israel, the Gulf Monarchies and the Jihadis were the losers), it seemed a gift that only the Almighty alone could have bestowed on the pair - the unprecedented gift of conducting successful joint live military exercises in Syria against US and Israeli proxy groups in Syria over the past few years. Thanks to the US's genocidal Iraq war, the region has been transformed into a giant Persian super-state reaching from Iran through Iraq, Syria and into Lebanon, tilting the regional balance of power completely in the opposite direction - Thanks Uncle Sam!. They also have a single military leader for this vast empire, the man who really was responsible for the success of the "US surge" - really an Iranian surge, that saw the effective end of the Sunni resistance in Iraq as well as the architect of the Hizbollah-Russia-Iran involvement in Syria - Major General Qassem Soleimani.
And Bibi rightfully should be worried. Nasrallah hardly says anything without seriously meaning it and he did say that the in next war against Israel the world would witness Israeli refugees - Hizbollah boots on the ground in Israel then? - most probably. Judging from variously sourced reports over the past months, there are anything upwards from 100 000 Iranian troops in Syria and THATS the reason Bibi can't stop throwing his toys out of the cot. Israel could not possibly survive close quarter combat against a much more motivated foe such as Hizbollah and could never stomach the kinds of fatalities the civilian population would endure in such an event.
Lets just consider that possibility for a few seconds then. A combined Hizbollah-Iran assault on Israel (Nuclear or Conventional) including a ground invasion into Israel is now more than ever, a stark reality Israel simply cannot ignore.Israel is facing the most realistic threat to it's existence, ever.
Suddenly, the very near future takes on a historical, eschatalogical overtone in the ominous endtimes saying (Hadith) of Islam's prophet Mohammed (SAW), "..The army ...from the direction of Khurasan (Iran/Afghanistan) will be too strong to be defeated.. and will hoist the flag on Baitul Muqqadas (Jerusalem)..." the repercussions would be immense, not for Israel, as it's fate is already sealed, but of course for the entire Muslim world. The greatest blight and festering wound in the modern Islamic era is the Palestinian issue, and that would now be solved by Shia Iran. This would propel Shiism into the mainstream as the Muslim and Arab street would not only cheer with relief the end to the awful suffering of the Palestinian people, but might begin to regard Shi'ism as not the cult, fringe sect some of the Sunni Ulema (religious leadership) regard it as. (although, the 1959 Al-Azhar "Shaltoot" fatwa "admits Shia Muslims, Alawites, and Druze, who had been considered heretics and idolaters for hundreds of years, into mainstream Islam had in 2012, due to the drift towards Salafism in Al-Azhar, the dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies at Al-Azhar issued a fatwa strongly opposed to the 1959 fatwa. It forbade worship according to the Shia tradition and condemned as heretics, anyone who insulted the wives or companions of the Islamic prophet Muhammad")1
Current Arab intransigence to the Palestinian issue would then be the cause of the total disappearance of Sunni political Islam as any viable force in the region as Shi'sm rises to prominence and rulership in the Middle East. Indeed, a very real, if not disturbing and exciting scenario. Am I getting ahead of myself or is Nasrallah the next King of Jerusalem?